UEFDSA newspaper


The list below is not complete.

Juha-Matti Huusko, Coming soon: SummerBBQ 2019, general (2019-1-board-juha-matti.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, How to get funding?, general (2019-1-how-to-get-funding.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, HyVäT 5 years, general (2019-1-hyvat.txt)
Rowmika Ravi, Winter Wonder Land, general (2019-1-winter-wonder-land.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Introducing a board member: Ari, general(2019-3-ari.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Coming soon: SummerBBQ 2019, general (2019-3-coming-summerBBQ-2019.txt)
Hasan Sohail, Introducing a board member: Hasan, general(2019-3-hasan.txt)
Katarzyna Wisniewska, Introducing a board member: Kasia, general (2019-3-kasia.txt)
Kenneth Muhumuza, Introducing a board member: Kenneth, general (2019-3-kenneth.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Some useful associations: Langnet 2016-2019, general (2019-3-langnet.txt)
Miia Hurskainen, Introducing a board member: Miia, general(2019-3-miia.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, PhD hat party in Joensuu, general (2019-3-phd-hat-party-in-joensuu.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Relativism – philosophy, belief, spiritualism or science?, general (2019-3-relativism.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Answers to: Square on a curve?, general (2019-3-square.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Some useful associations: UEF Postdocs Society, general (2019-3-uef-postdocs.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Visiting Japan, general (2019-4-japan.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Visiting Moominvalley park in Tokyo, general (2019-4-moominvalley.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Sensory abilities and sensory logic – The balance of stress, inputs and senses, general(2019-5-ari-sensory.txt)
Miia Hurskainen, What we do, general(2019-5-miia-what-we-do.txt)
Rowmika Ravi, Technology – Humanity’s Delicacy, general (2019-5-rowmika-technology.txt)
Alicja Fajfer, Is success making waves for Finland’s flagship library?, general (2019-6-alicja.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Connectivity between art, intuition and science, general (2019-6-ari-connectivity.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, UEF student Facebook group administration’s announcement, general (2019-6-ari-facebook.txt)
Rowmika Ravi, Dance of the Fall, general (2019-6-rowmika-poem.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Learn from where ever you are, general (2019-7-ari-learn.txt)
Otto Korhonen, Personal development through tandem language learning, general (2019-7-ari-personal.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Re-thinking the themes of systematic analysis – Method essay I, I. Essays(2019-7-ari-re-thinking.txt)
Lenka Dvořáková, Floorball, general (2019-7-lenka-floorball.txt)
Lenka Dvořáková, The secret behind the game of floorball, general (2019-7-lenka-secret-behind-floorball.txt)
Rowmika Ravi, Spooky Spider, general (2019-7-rowmika-spooky-spider.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Is the making of PhD a competition?, general (2019-8-ari-is-is-the-making-of-phd-a-competition.txt)
Alireza Momeni, Why the social sciences are not reducible to natural sciences?, I. Essays (2020-1-alireza.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, From ether experiments to ether skepticism: Development of Michelson Morley experiment towards Lodge’s experiments, IV. Abstracts(2020-1-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Corona (COVID-19) – prevention and contagion, general (2020-1-ari2.txt)
Jouko Hartikainen, Governmental control of information was not total in the early 18th century Britain, I. Essays (2020-1-hartikainen.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Bildung and intuition – the cores of human cultivation, I. Essays(2020-2-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, UEFDSA Chairman’s greetings, general(2020-2-ari2.txt)
Aytac Yurukcu, Work of the war correspondents in the 1870s Balkan war, III. Summaries of research(2020-2-aytac.txt)
Olli Toivanen, Hölmölä, general(2020-2-olli.txt)
Rowmika Ravi, The Other Side, general(2020-2-rowmika.txt)
Szabolcs Felszeghy, Similarities and differences in nature of Finland and Transsylvania, general(2020-2-szabi.txt)
Szabolcs et al, PLAY more, be MORE, III. Summaries of research(2020-2-szabi2.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Networking and scientific connectivity development, general(2020-2.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, A critical assessment of the ISYY student profile study report, general(2020-3-ari.txt)
Szabi, When you have to work remotely..., general(2020-3-szabi.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Markkinat ja yliopisto vai Yliopisto ja markkinat (Markets and University or University and markets), I. Essays(2020-3.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, LONG PLAY – Marko Koskelo in administrative court, WHY?, general(2020-4-ari-longplay.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Methodological problems and functions in academic writing, general(2020-4-ari.txt)
Lisa Gohlke, Political Stalemate and Health Crisis in the Republic of Moldova: Where to go from there?, I. Essays(2020-4-lisa.txt)
Rowmika Ravi, Mushy Mushrooms, general(2020-4.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Prioritization in academic work, I. Essays(2021-1-ari-prioritization.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Creation of theory — Series part I, Nihilistic elements and despair of theory creation, general(2021-1-ari.txt)
Chloe Wells, Preparing for your doctoral defence, I. Essays(2021-1-chloe-preparing.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Kestävän kehityksen arvojen ja normien tuottamisen yhteiskunnalliset ongelmat 6.10.2014, I. Essays(2021-1-kestavan.txt)
Maryam Samavaki, Navier–Stokes equations on Riemannian manifolds, IV. Abstract papers (2021-1-maryam.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Mietelmä Lex Karpelan oikeudenmukaisuus sananvapaudessa (2013), I. Scientific essays(2021-2-ari-lex-karpela.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, How are skills and talents learned?, general (2021-2-ari-skills.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Learning PHP, general(2021-2-juha-matti-learning-PHP.txt)
Juuso Loikkanen, The Christian Roots of Vappu, general (2021-2-juuso-loikkanen-christian-roots-of-vappu.txt)
Juuso Loikkanen, Could Science and Theology Point to the Same Truth?, I. Scientific essays(2021-2-juuso-loikkanen-could.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Corona fatigue and shell shock, general (2021-3-ari-corona-fatigue.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Freedom of speech the cradle of democratic success, general (2021-3-ari-freedom.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Miten määritellä kompleksinen systeemi ja mitä kompleksinen systeemi merkitsee oman tutkimuksen kannalta?, I. Scientific essays (2021-3-ari-kompleksinen.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Talk: JSXGraph and 3D graphics, IV. Abstract papers (2021-3-juha-matti-jsxgraph.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, A kiss from last year, general (2021-3-juha-matti-kiss.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Book: Theater in Kuhmo: Kuhmo Youth Association Club is now 60 years old, IV. Abstract papers(2021-3-juha-matti-theater.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko, Year clock for grant applications, general (2021-3-juha-matti-year-clock.txt)


Alireza Momeni, Why the social sciences are not reducible to natural sciences?, I. Essays (2020-1-alireza.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, From ether experiments to ether skepticism: Development of Michelson Morley experiment towards Lodge’s experiments, IV. Abstracts(2020-1-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka, Corona (COVID-19) – prevention and contagion, general (2020-1-ari2.txt)
Jouko Hartikainen, Governmental control of information was not total in the early 18th century Britain, I. Essays (2020-1-hartikainen.txt)


Works by author

Works by Alicja Fajfer

Alicja Fajfer , Is success making waves for Finland’s flagship library?, general (2019-6-alicja.txt)

Works by Alireza Momeni

Alireza Momeni , Why the social sciences are not reducible to natural sciences?, I. Essays (2020-1-alireza.txt)

Works by Ari J. Tervashonka

Ari J. Tervashonka , How to get funding?, general (2019-1-how-to-get-funding.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Introducing a board member: Ari, general(2019-3-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Relativism – philosophy, belief, spiritualism or science?, general (2019-3-relativism.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Sensory abilities and sensory logic – The balance of stress, inputs and senses, general(2019-5-ari-sensory.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Connectivity between art, intuition and science, general (2019-6-ari-connectivity.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , UEF student Facebook group administration’s announcement, general (2019-6-ari-facebook.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Learn from where ever you are, general (2019-7-ari-learn.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Re-thinking the themes of systematic analysis – Method essay I, I. Essays(2019-7-ari-re-thinking.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Is the making of PhD a competition?, general (2019-8-ari-is-is-the-making-of-phd-a-competition.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , From ether experiments to ether skepticism: Development of Michelson Morley experiment towards Lodge’s experiments, IV. Abstracts(2020-1-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Corona (COVID-19) – prevention and contagion, general (2020-1-ari2.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Bildung and intuition – the cores of human cultivation, I. Essays(2020-2-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , UEFDSA Chairman’s greetings, general(2020-2-ari2.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Networking and scientific connectivity development, general(2020-2.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , A critical assessment of the ISYY student profile study report, general(2020-3-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Markkinat ja yliopisto vai Yliopisto ja markkinat (Markets and University or University and markets), I. Essays(2020-3.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , LONG PLAY – Marko Koskelo in administrative court, WHY?, general(2020-4-ari-longplay.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Methodological problems and functions in academic writing, general(2020-4-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Prioritization in academic work, I. Essays(2021-1-ari-prioritization.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Creation of theory — Series part I, Nihilistic elements and despair of theory creation, general(2021-1-ari.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Kestävän kehityksen arvojen ja normien tuottamisen yhteiskunnalliset ongelmat 6.10.2014, I. Essays(2021-1-kestavan.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Mietelmä Lex Karpelan oikeudenmukaisuus sananvapaudessa (2013), I. Scientific essays(2021-2-ari-lex-karpela.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , How are skills and talents learned?, general (2021-2-ari-skills.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Corona fatigue and shell shock, general (2021-3-ari-corona-fatigue.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Freedom of speech the cradle of democratic success, general (2021-3-ari-freedom.txt)
Ari J. Tervashonka , Miten määritellä kompleksinen systeemi ja mitä kompleksinen systeemi merkitsee oman tutkimuksen kannalta?, I. Scientific essays (2021-3-ari-kompleksinen.txt)

Works by Aytac Yurukcu

Aytac Yurukcu , Work of the war correspondents in the 1870s Balkan war, III. Summaries of research(2020-2-aytac.txt)

Works by Chloe Wells

Chloe Wells , Preparing for your doctoral defence, I. Essays(2021-1-chloe-preparing.txt)

Works by Hasan Sohail

Hasan Sohail , Introducing a board member: Hasan, general(2019-3-hasan.txt)

Works by Jouko Hartikainen

Jouko Hartikainen , Governmental control of information was not total in the early 18th century Britain, I. Essays (2020-1-hartikainen.txt)

Works by Juha-Matti Huusko

Juha-Matti Huusko , Coming soon: SummerBBQ 2019, general (2019-1-board-juha-matti.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , HyVäT 5 years, general (2019-1-hyvat.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Coming soon: SummerBBQ 2019, general (2019-3-coming-summerBBQ-2019.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Some useful associations: Langnet 2016-2019, general (2019-3-langnet.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , PhD hat party in Joensuu, general (2019-3-phd-hat-party-in-joensuu.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Answers to: Square on a curve?, general (2019-3-square.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Some useful associations: UEF Postdocs Society, general (2019-3-uef-postdocs.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Visiting Japan, general (2019-4-japan.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Visiting Moominvalley park in Tokyo, general (2019-4-moominvalley.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Learning PHP, general(2021-2-juha-matti-learning-PHP.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Talk: JSXGraph and 3D graphics, IV. Abstract papers (2021-3-juha-matti-jsxgraph.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , A kiss from last year, general (2021-3-juha-matti-kiss.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Book: Theater in Kuhmo: Kuhmo Youth Association Club is now 60 years old, IV. Abstract papers(2021-3-juha-matti-theater.txt)
Juha-Matti Huusko , Year clock for grant applications, general (2021-3-juha-matti-year-clock.txt)

Works by Juuso Loikkanen

Juuso Loikkanen , The Christian Roots of Vappu, general (2021-2-juuso-loikkanen-christian-roots-of-vappu.txt)
Juuso Loikkanen , Could Science and Theology Point to the Same Truth?, I. Scientific essays(2021-2-juuso-loikkanen-could.txt)

Works by Katarzyna Wisniewska

Katarzyna Wisniewska , Introducing a board member: Kasia, general (2019-3-kasia.txt)

Works by Kenneth Muhumuza

Kenneth Muhumuza , Introducing a board member: Kenneth, general (2019-3-kenneth.txt)

Works by Lenka Dvořáková

Lenka Dvořáková , Floorball, general (2019-7-lenka-floorball.txt)
Lenka Dvořáková , The secret behind the game of floorball, general (2019-7-lenka-secret-behind-floorball.txt)

Works by Lisa Gohlke

Lisa Gohlke , Political Stalemate and Health Crisis in the Republic of Moldova: Where to go from there?, I. Essays(2020-4-lisa.txt)

Works by Maryam Samavaki

Maryam Samavaki , Navier–Stokes equations on Riemannian manifolds, IV. Abstract papers (2021-1-maryam.txt)

Works by Miia Hurskainen

Miia Hurskainen , Introducing a board member: Miia, general(2019-3-miia.txt)
Miia Hurskainen , What we do, general(2019-5-miia-what-we-do.txt)

Works by Olli Toivanen

Olli Toivanen , Hölmölä, general(2020-2-olli.txt)

Works by Otto Korhonen

Otto Korhonen , Personal development through tandem language learning, general (2019-7-ari-personal.txt)

Works by Rowmika Ravi

Rowmika Ravi , Winter Wonder Land, general (2019-1-winter-wonder-land.txt)
Rowmika Ravi , Technology – Humanity’s Delicacy, general (2019-5-rowmika-technology.txt)
Rowmika Ravi , Dance of the Fall, general (2019-6-rowmika-poem.txt)
Rowmika Ravi , Spooky Spider, general (2019-7-rowmika-spooky-spider.txt)
Rowmika Ravi , The Other Side, general(2020-2-rowmika.txt)
Rowmika Ravi , Mushy Mushrooms, general(2020-4.txt)

Works by Szabi

Szabi , When you have to work remotely..., general(2020-3-szabi.txt)

Works by Szabolcs Felszeghy

Szabolcs Felszeghy , Similarities and differences in nature of Finland and Transsylvania, general(2020-2-szabi.txt)

Works by Szabolcs et al

Szabolcs et al , PLAY more, be MORE, III. Summaries of research(2020-2-szabi2.txt)