Juha-Matti Huusko
Noljakankaari 38F33, 80140 Joensuu
tel. +358 40 528 2815
1. Fullständigt namn och datum på cv:t
- Huusko, Juha-Matti Aleksanteri
- kön: hanlig
- Detta dokument har gjorts 10.2.2021.
2. Födelsedatum och -ort, medborgarskap, nuvarande hemort
- född: 20.04.1987, Kuhmo, Finland
- nationalitet: finsk
- nuvarande bostads: Noljakankaari 38F33, 80140 Joensuu
3. Avlagda examina och akademiska titlar
- PhD, University of Eastern Finland, mathematics, 6/2017
- MSc, University of Eastern Finland, teacher of mathematics and physics, 9/2013
- BSc, University of Eastern Finland, 2/2011
4. Åvrig utbildning, övriga kvalifikationer och färdigheter
- BC driving license, European
- utmärkta IT-kunskaper
- general programming: MATLAB
- webbsidor: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Wordpress
- typsättning: LaTeX, MathJax, self-made MathJax-editor
- visualiseringar: JSXGraph, TikZ, Three.js (webpage)
5. Språkkunskaper
- finska - modersmål
- engelska - utmärkt
- svenska – medioker
- bengali - medioker
- tyska - grunderna
6. Nuvarande arbetsuppgifter
- university teacher, University of Eastern Finland, 6/2021-5/2022
7. Tidigare yrkeskarriär och avbrott i denna
- hourly paid teacher, University of Eastern Finland, 9/2020-5/2021
- university teacher, University of Eastern Finland, 8/2019 – 7/2020
- postdoctoral researcher, University of Eastern Finland, 12/2018 - 7/2019
- IT support person, University of Eastern Finland, 2/2018 – 12/2018
- postdoctoral researcher, University of Eastern Finland, 7 - 9/2017
- early-stage researcher, University of Eastern Finland, 10/2013 - 6/2017 (full time doctoral
- student, teaching 80 hours per year, funding: UEF doctoral school)
8. Forskningsfinansiering och erfarenheter av handledning och forskningsledaruppgifter
- second supervisor of one doctoral student 9/2021 –
- travel grant, 2500€, Väisälä, 2019
- University of Eastern Finland, doctoral school funding 10/2013-6/2017
- travel grant, 1000€, Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse, CMFT-2017 participation
9. Meriter som lärare och lärarerfarenhet (kompletteras vid behov med en portfolio om undervisningen)
- pedagogical studies, teacher of mathematics and physics
- supervision and evaluation of bachelors’ thesis
- lectures and exercises, 33 ECTS in total: Introduction to Topology, Algebra a, Euclidean
- geometry, Measure and Integration Theory a, Basic Course in Fourier Analysis, Differential
- Calculus in Several Variables
- exercises, 36 ECTS in total: Analysis III, Numerical Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis a,
- Introduction to Mathematics and Primitive Analysis
- creating online courses: Integral calculus (4 ECTS), Basics of Mathematics (5 ECTS, 80%),
- Linear Algebra a and b (9 ECTS), Basics of Numerical Calculations (3 ECTS), Data and Error
- Analysis in Natural Sciences (3 ECTS).
- typesetting of course materials for many courses (e.g. introduction to univalent functions,
- 120 pages, solutions to exercises in Fourier analysis, 64 pages)
10. Vetenskapliga belöningar och hedersbetygelser
- Editor-in-chief, Metodologia, a peer-reviewed international journal of methodology,
- currently rated JUFO1, 2020-
- Editor-in-chief, UEFDSA newspaper, 2019-
- Mathematical reviews -reviewer
- referee for the journal J. Math. Anal. Appl.
- student tutor (2008, 2009, 2010), speech to new students in mathematics and physics
- (2015, 2016, 2017)
- university representation for high school students in Abitour and Abidays
- working in SciFest science festival (2011, 2012, 2013, 2018)
11. Åvriga vetenskapliga/akademiska meriter
- conferences in Joensuu: 2012, 2014, 2015 (poster), 2016, 2018 (poster)
- mathematics research seminar in Joensuu, 2013-2+17 (5 talks)
- Normal families, Würzburg, 5/2015 (poster)
- Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai Centre (informal visit)
- CMFT-2017, Lublin, 7/2017 (talk)
- Analysis Near the Pole, Svalbard, 8/2018 (talk)
- Chinese-Finnish workshop in complex analysis, Beijing, 8/2017 (talk)
- New Developments in Complex Analysis and Function Theory, Heraclion 7/2018 (poster)
- International JSXGraph Conference 5.-7.10.2021 (talk)
- Finnish Mathematical Days 2022 (talk)